Epithane CPS

  • Adhesive Strength (DIN EN 24624 / ISO 4624):
    >3.5 N/mm2
  • Abrasion Resistance (ASTM D 1044 / DIN 53754):
    80mg/1000 cycles (Taber)
  • Shore - D Hardness (DIN 53505 / ASTM D 2240):
  • Elongation at Break (DIN EN 196 / ASTM C 578):
    60% approx
  • Tensile Strength:
    14 N/mm2 @ 100% Elongation
  • Tensile Strength (ASTM D 638 / ISO R 527):
    10 N/mm2


EPITHANE CPS is a two-compnent, pigmented, solvent-free, and flexible polyurethane topcoat for application to car parks.

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