Mixkote MIM


MXKOTE MIM is a crystallization waterproofing admixture. It provides a simple and effective solution for the waterproofing of a new concrete construction and for repairs of existing concrete structures. 

MIXKOTE MIM is a cementitious chemical powder compound used for the treatment of concrete and other materials containing portland cement. 

MIXKOTE MIM is specially blended for use as an admixture at concrete bataching plants; its introduction into concrete premix reduces water permeability of the final poured concrete by forming chemical crystals throughout the concrete mass when the chemicals contained in MIXKOTE MIM interact with concrete. 

MIXKOTE MIM provides protection against moisture, water pressure and certain aggresive chemicals and serves as hardening and curing agent. MIXKOTE MIM also offers protection against the corrosion of reinforcing steel, concrete shrinkage cracks and frost damage.

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